Book Club
I am super excited about the NEW Book Club section of my blog, and I hope you are, too!
I haven’t always loved to read. I blame that on my mom. Sorry mom. My mom is an avid reader. One of those people who can sit down with a book and finish it in a day. A childhood memory is of my mom sitting in the “comfy chair” with a book and my little sister standing next to her saying, “Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, momma, MOM!”. Nothing would faze her. We used to say she would keep reading right even if a bomb went off next to her. I used to do things like ask her ridiculous questions while she was reading, “Mom, could I have the numbers to your bank account?”, “Hey, Mom, Scott Baio is at the door, I’m gonna run away with him, ok?”. No response or maybe a uh-huh. It was so annoying. So, I think in rebellion, I refused to pick up a book and miss what was happening in the real world. Well, I have a hard time sitting still to read. I did read a few books. Little House books, Otherwise known as Sheila the Great ~ Judy Blume, how could I not read that. I liked fairy tales. I had the Brothers Grimm Fairytale book that I read over and over.
Ok, so jump forward. I had just finished high school and moved to Germany to live with our former exchange student, Andrea’s family. My German was incredibly pathetic, embarrassingly elementary. I decided to go to the library and find something in English to read and to pass the time. There were only about 10 English books in the local library. I grabbed the fattest one, The Lord of the Rings. No small feat reading that. I think I finished it within the week. Thus began my true love of reading. I did, however, eventually have to focus on being immersed in the German culture, and by the time I left, I could read novels in German…not quite as quickly, but I could do it if I wanted to or had to.
I read quite a bit in my single years, met Kenny, got hitched, and had babies. I continued to read while my kids were little; it was different stuff, like Shel Silverstein and every Dr. Seuss book published. One thing I have never denied my kiddos is books. We have tons of them and have always utilized our local library. It’s just been in the last five years that I have really returned to the adult reading world. I’m not a fast reader.
I’m not great at starting a conversation with someone I don’t know, but I’ve found that if I ask these questions: Do you like to read? What’s your favorite book? What’s the last book you read? I can usually start a conversation with most people. My husband, on the other hand, can talk to anyone anywhere, not me. If I can’t get you talking about food, books, or movies, well then I start sweating! Profusely.
I’ve always been intrigued by Book Clubs but intimidated by the thought of joining one. The pressure of reading a prescribed book gave me the hives. My sister has been in a book club for a few years, and different friends of mine have been in book clubs, but I had never gotten myself into one.
Last Spring, I was blessed to spend a long weekend with a group of friends and our daughters. We were all reading and talking about books we had read. Someone said, “We should start a book club together.” It would be a great way to read books we have wanted to read, get new ideas on books, have a scheduled girls’ night out, and basically do what we love to do most: eat, drink, and discuss what we’ve read!
So it all began.
A few weeks after we returned I sent out an email to the three ladies and said I was willing to be the organizer if they were serious about starting a book club together, and maybe we should each ask a couple friends. They were serious.
So now we have ourselves a bonefide, full fledged, Book Club!
I quickly found out this Book Club stuff is serious business!! Ooo-wEeee. There are actually websites and blogs on how to start a Book Club! Go figure. Well, and then the queen of book clubs you know who, has alot of information on her site. I found alot of good information here at the Book Club Queen. If you just google Book Club you will get enough information to write your own book on book clubs!
A few things I learned about book clubs…..
The first time we met was to get to know each other, because we had each asked a couple friends. We threw out ideas of how we would like our book club to function. Every book club is different, we had to make ours work for us, so it would be something we all looked forward to. So first thing you need to do is figure out what works for you and then go from there. How often do you want to meet? Where do you want to meet? How many people should be included, what’s the max, how to go about inviting?
We had to actually come up with a name for our Book Club….geeesh…who-da-thunk? A name was significant, apparently. I called my sister. Does your book club have a name? Oh yeah, she says, ya gotta have a name. The Book Club Queen even goes so far as to say it is “vital to a book club’s success.” Pressure. I was thinking of some gals, a book, and a few bottles of vino. But now we need a name?! We came up with Babes Under the Covers. Hopefully, I don’t need to explain. I jokingly said “BUCs” for short cause it sounds like how I would say “books” after a few glasses of wine. Teehee. My sister’s book club is W.O.R.D Women Organized to Read and Drink. It’s very clever.
Our club decided because we are all super busy moms that we would meet bi-monthly instead of every month, and we could decide to meet more if we wanted at a later date.
We also decided that we would rotate hosting. The hostess would provide drinks and munchies. We also set the rule that there would be no hostess gifts. We didn’t want there to be any hard feelings or undo pressure on anyone to always bring something to the one hosting.
WHAT to read
We wanted to find a book that had not been read by anyone for our first book. That was not so easy, since our club has some heavy-weight readers. We all threw out names of books, and then if someone had read the book, it was crossed off the list. Our first read was Paris Wife by Paula Mclain. After we had read and discussed our first book, one of the girls suggested that we pick a few books out in advance for the upcoming book club dates. It’s for the overachievers who want to read ahead.
The books we chose are:
Room by Emma Donoghue
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
Distant Land of my Father by Bo Caldwell
We meet this Monday to discuss ROOM. I can hardly wait. I’m hosting. Tuesday I’ll share with you what we ate, because that is of course very important, and what we all thought of the book.
I would love to hear from you!
Are you in a Book Club? What you reading right now? What was the last book you read?
Stay-tuned for Tuesdays follow-up!
Have a great weekend,
I just discovered your blog. How delightful!
No, I’m not in a book club. I could never read a book that fast! 🙂
It can take me about 6 months to read a book. But when I do, I chose one very selectively to make it worth my while. Books I have enjoyed are:
Outlander by Diana Gabledon and Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Basically I like historical romance or books about dogs. 🙂
The rest of the books I have on my nightstand are cookbooks. I love skimming cookbooks!
I love to read cookbooks also. Always cookbook by my bedside ; D
You have really interesting blog, keep up posting such informative posts!
I WISH I had people who shared my love of reading who I could meet up with and have a book club and dinner club! Sounds awesome… I wish I lived close to you lol! I loved the Glass Castle. It was hard for me to get into at first but by the middle I was hooked. 🙂 I’m your newest follower!
Oh my mom is the same way. She can finish a book in one sitting. I love to read but not like her and as of right now with a 2 yr old and so many things to get done before the baby arrives reading is the last thing I get to do but I can’t wait to pick it up again:) This book club sounds like a great idea.
I dont love to read, but I force myself to read because EVERYONE is doin it! It makes me feel more grown up I guess. I’m really not into the “inspiring” books, but love to read a good suspense or a really good, as I call it, smut book! Nothin like getting the juices flowing like a good smutty book…hey come on now, cut me some slack…I’ve been married for 26 years! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Do not judge 😉 Right now, however, I’m not reading either of those types of books. I’m reading a teen series called the “Hunger Games”. I’m just starting the second of three. So far, they have been pretty good. I LOVED the Dan Brown books, “The DaVinci Code”, “Angels & Demons”, and “The Lost Symbol”. I highly recommend any and all of these books, if you haven’t already read them.
I hope you have a great time in your new book club! Happy reading…AND eating!!
your too funny Tracy…slack cut!
Oh my gosh you are hilarious! That’s how I feel about running…but I still don’t run! Ha! ;{)
I love to read all different types of books, but really enjoyed a lot of fiction this summer. I’m old school; I like holding the actual book in my hands! I read The Glass Castle, Half Broke Horses, Everyone is Beautiful, Redeeming Love, Wednesday Letters and The Help. My favorite was The Glass Castle and I think that would be an amazing book club book.
Oh Chelle’ I loved Glass Castle…she wrote a follow up book, I need to read it. And Redeeming Love… read some great books this summer.
Loved the book Room….read it this summer. Can’t wait to read your blog from your meeting…
I’m not in an official book club but had a “Help” party this summer. I made foods from the book and had won a sculpted cake…so I had the cake artist make a cake and decorate it to the likeness of the book and she propped the cake book on another round cake and made three birds that appear on the cover out of rice krispie treats. After the meal, we all went to see the movie!
Loved Help! Sounds like an awesome party, what a great time…hope you took lotsa pictures 🙂
I loved reading about how your love of reading turned into a book club! I lead a book club at my church and I love it! We read Christian fiction and meet about 6-7 times a year. I usually bring a dessert and we all have a great time! One of our ladies has kept track of all the books we’ve read and it has to be over 50 : )
What a great way to meet and get to know women from your church. One of my favorite Christian books is the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers, and Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. The latter would be a great book club book!
I loved reading about your love of reading and your book club! You just inspired me to read the Paris Wife.