Home » Meals 4 Sharing Fridays: Side Dishes

Meals 4 Sharing Fridays: Side Dishes

Hello! Happy Spring! So glad you stopped by. Today we are talking about a “go to” side dishes. The weather has been unseasonably warm here in the Mitten, which has made me unseasonably distracted. Pair that with all my kiddos Spring sports starting, and this momma is having a hard time getting a meal on the table these days.

I’m not sure if it’s because of my predominately Irish and German heritage or because I just love me some starch, but I always run in the direction of potatoes first when it comes to side dishes.  They are so versatile, boiled, mashed, baked, pan fried, french fried, the possibilities are endless.  The way my family likes them the best is roasted.

I cut them up in bite sized chunks, drizzle potatoes with a tablespoon….or so, of olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. 


Bake at 425 for 30 minutes or until starting to crunch up a bit on a few sides. Usually somewhere during the roasting time I take a spatula and flip them around a bit, so they bake evenly. So easy, and the leftovers are great fried in a pan with onions and peppers for Breakfast Taters!


If you have time you can doll them up like so. So full of yummy stuff!  Find the recipe for Cheesy Roasted Potatoes here.


Here’s my heritage coming out full force! Boiled vegetables.  I grew up on boiled potatoes.  Actually I grew up on boiled to DEATH vegetables.  What was that about?  My moms a great cook, but she would even boil the dickens out of a can of corn.  Like she was trying to kill it or something.  However, I still savor a boiled potato mashed down with my fork then a dollop of butter on top, mashed down again, it’s a luverly thing. Oh and my kiddos love boiled carrots, can’t argue with that.  I don’t actually boil carrots, I steam them, in about an inch of water, on low heat with the cover on for 10-15 minutes.  There should be very little water left when the carrots are done.  Toss carrots in butter and salt and pepper. Mmm mm mm mm mm!


Or how about throwing some beets or sweet potatoes in with your potatoes, roast them all together. Get crazy slice up and onion and toss it in there too!  Now that I think about it all root vegetables taste great roasted.


When it comes to roasting vegetables don’t stop with potatoes.  I roast any and all veggies.  And I do it the same way, drizzle with olive oil sprinkle with salt and pepper or your desired seasoning, bake in a 425 degree oven until cooked to desired tenderness.  I usually bake asparagus for about 15 minutes depending on how thick the stalks are.  The only way I can get my two youngest to eat broccoli is by drizzling it first with Sesame oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and sesame seeds, bake in preheated 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.  Voila it’s magic!


What are your favorite side dishes?  The side dishes your family never tires of....


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  1. I love to roast veggies too. Lately I’ve been roasting veggies before putting them in the pot for soup. When my husband and I make roasted potatoes, we sprinkle on balsamic vinaigrette about five minutes before they are done, it kind of caramelizes in there.