baking BATTLE scars
I have been working in my kitchen all week. I baked most of the day Monday for some lovely people. Yesterday I baked for a friend who is having an event in her home. Then next week I have all kinds a goodies up my sleeve, plus I will be psyching myself up to bake 50 or more assorted pies as a fundraiser, the week of Thanksgiving. Phew! I think I will forget any notion I had about my kitchen being clean and well organized.
I baked some of these thingys this week…..Pumpkin Scones with cinnamon chips and crystallized ginger. Big D went Wacko for them! They were pretty good. I might have share my version of the recipe with you. In the mean time you can just go here. If you start obsessing over them and have to have them, before I give you my version, then I completely understand.
Scone sans maple cinnamon glaze.
This is my wound. Which will be a scar….a battle scar. I battle with my oven often. I’m clumsy. I believe I read somewhere once that if your hands and arms are not blistered and scarred from kitchen wounds then you are really not passionate about cooking or baking or anything in the kitchen for that matter. Those words were words of encouragement to me. I always just thought it was my scatterbrainyness, but NO it’s because of my passion! I think Anthony Bourdain wrote those encouraging words but don’t quote me on that.
Here are two of the Armies I battled yesterday. Over two hundred of these morsels marched through my kitchen. They left a path of destruction. In the aftermath of the battle…I thought egg rolls sounded like a good way to rally my troupes. It worked! It boosted their moral and they helped me clean up my plundered and pillaged kitchen. Egg rolls truly do solve a myriad of injustices.
What kind of battles have you had in your kitchen lately…did you win? Do you have scars? Was it worth it?
Do tell…..
Big D I will share patience my friend : FD
Angie, so sorry to hear about your vasculitis…hang in there my friend. And I have had many a hurried scattered experience with company coming…AAhhh Thanks the Lord for take-out!
OK, people…these little morsels (and I say morsel b/c I had to share my pumpkin scone with three gals who know this woman is an amazing baker) where the best thing I had every tasted! No LIE! Now to get her to share her version of the recipe…why aren't you sharing or at least making just as many of them as the muffins/cupcakes pictured above and SHARING them with your FANS. I would pay money for these!
This week I made a pumpkin cake with 2 engredients from "Noble Pig" and believe it was wonderful. 1 cake mix, 1 can of pumpkin.
Then yesterday I made a giant cup cake for a birthday today. I saw the pan in an ad and just had to have it. Have you seen those giant cup cakes? They are really beautiful, cool, neat, you name your choice.
ps: I love scones.
looks like you've been baking some amazing goodies. can i come over and steal some?! 🙂
hope your battle wound heals soon!
My last battle scar was from starting Pioneer Woman's fancy mac & cheese for my son's birthday party. The day was one of those lazy, lagging days anyway, so it was no shock that I left it to the end. I was even more rushed when my in-laws arrived.
I was in such a rush that while mixing the flour into the melted butter, I splashed the butter onto my foot. About 1/4 cup of it fell and burnt the heck out of the top of my foot. I ended up staying the entire party with a bottle of cold water on my foot.
Needless to say, I didn't make the mac & cheese.
The funny thing is that I still have a lot of scars from a fight with vasculitis this summer (basically a virus attacked my blood vessels, causing them to swell and form huge blisters/welts all over my body. Fun.) and you couldn't even tell where the actual burn was.