Home » Goulash


Are you busy?  Are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off?  Kids sports, work, church, lost library books, meetings, drivers training, Christmas shopping, Holiday parties, book club, cooking dinner……who has time to cook dinner?!  If your family is a bunch of lunatics like mine…meaning that you are all going in different directions and no one knows quite where the other one is, except for mom of course….umm well at least most of the time.

This Goulash Recipe will save your keester.  It’s so easy.  Four ingredients plus spices! You can make it in 15 minutes, or as long as it takes you to boil the noodles!

Yesterday evening I found my self in the car from 3:40pm to 7:30pm.  If I wasn’t dropping off I was bringing.  I did have a few in between moments to pop in the house and make sure who ever was home was doing what they needed to be doing, ie. homework, piano, cello, bass, eating dinner.  I made this in the twenty minutes I had between drop off for basketball and pick up for the swimming carpool.  If you have time you can make it ahead and throw it in your crock-pot to keep warm for eating on the go.



serves 6-8
1 pound Elbow Macaroni
1 28 ounce can Crushed Tomatoes
1 pound ground Chicken or Beef
2 tablespoons Butter
1 cup Onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Pepper
1/4 teaspoon Allspice
1 tablespoon Sugar

Add macaroni to salted boiling water, slightly under cook noodles. Drain noodles, add noodles back to pan with 2 tablespoons of butter. While noodles are boiling brown ground chicken with onion, add in salt, pepper, and allspice. Combine browned meat mixture, with buttered noodles, can of crushed tomatoes, and sugar.  Add more salt and pepper to taste.  Mix well, and heat through for an additional 5 minutes,  if time allows, if not serve immediately to hungry kiddos!  Enjoy!

(Goulash can also be made ahead and put in crockpot.)


Hope your Holiday Season is Harried and Bright!

oops! I meant Merry….Merry and Bright! Definitely not harried….


a.k.a Chicken “with her head cut off” Lady



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  1. I’m a little late to this recipe but Thanks for the idea of prepping a meal and puttin’ her in a crock pot to keep warm! Nowmthat I have one with a warm setting that is,,,

  2. I had to smile when I saw this recipe. I have been making gouhlash for friends and family since I was 15 years old. My recipe is somewhat different ( I add onions, green peppers) but the dish is basically the same. My husband loves this dish and it is a fast and easy way to satisfy his manly man hunger.
    I also serveit with garlic toast and sometimes top it with cheese.

    1. Barbara,
      My mom sometimes added green pepper too, but my kiddos are not fans of green peppers so I steer clear. I like the cheese on top idea! Cheddar or Mozzarella? Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Debbie, Growing up my mom made it with ground beef, but I like the chicken because it has no grease. I hope you enjoy it! Sheila

  3. i totally made this last night, i love easy comfort dishes esp with this cold weather. i didn’t have allspice, nor to i claim to know what it is, but threw in some minced garlic, worcestershire and paprika instead. it was very delicious, hearty and easy! everyone loved it and it made a very large pot so we’ll happily have leftovers tonight! thanks for the idea!