Home » Hello! and WELCOME 2 my new digs…..

Hello! and WELCOME 2 my new digs…..

I have officially rebranded! Thanks to so many for all your help with the design, the name, the photos, all of it. I could not have made this switch on my own. I am super excited flip the page to this new chapter!

Welcome to my new spot!  Eat 2gather.

I’m beside myself in regards to this new journey!  I feel like shouting it from the top of my mini van! Ou-Ou-ouEEEEEEeeeeeE!  That was my screech.  Did I hurt your ears?  Sorry, I get carried away most of the time.

If you like you can go HERE to read all about who, what, when, and why I switched from Strawberry CAKE to Eat 2gather.

What is in the name….Eat 2gather relates my passion, eating together with others, inspiring others to also gather together around their tables.  And the idea that we gather not just to eat, but for the greater purpose of enjoying each others company sharing food, laughter, and fellowship with those we love.  We are not just eating together, but we are eating to gather…..get it?  Even though our world has become so fast paced and non-relational it is more important than ever for us to gather around the table with our family and friends and break bread.  So my play on words with 2gather is a nod to our societies quick responses to each other through texting, facebook, twitter, and the like!

I want to thank Luke from Codify who was crazy patient with me through this process, and Robin from DesignSmith for her very keen, creative eye and lovely design.  And Andrea, I can’t forget Andrea from La Vita e’ Belle Photography for gazillion pictures she had to take to get one half way decent photo of my mug.   Kenny, you know I love ya, thanks  for being so supportive of my hobby.

Thanks friends for inspiring me all the time…you know who you all are.  Readers thanks for taking your precious time to read Eat 2gather!

LUV ya!

Sheila…the blogger formerly known as Strawberry CAKE




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  1. I have missed your blogging this summer so I am excited to see your new blog up & running. I am anticipating reading all your crazy dialogue & trying some great recipes.

  2. Ohhhhhh…..it’s so pretty Sheila. Beautiful lady and Beautiful Food. This site will suit your style so well. Glad that you are back blogging. Love the comment from Ree 🙂

  3. Love the new site Sheila!! It looks amazing and I totally think it fits you better. I’m so happy and honored to be apart of this step in your journey. Can’t wait to start reading your new posts. Congratulations 🙂

  4. I just clicked on strawBerry Cake yesterday in my reader to check to see if I missed your forwarding address. There was no activity at the old address for so long I thought I must have missed something. Glad you’re back. The new site looks great!!

  5. Yeahhhh Sheila! LOVE the new blog site…congrats for getting it up and running. Now I can’t wait to start reading again!

  6. So excited to read of your adventures again, in and out of the kitchen!!! Love the new site! Heather said it perfectly…. we await your posts like gifts that we love to open! You are a blessing to many Sheila! Thank You!

  7. YEAH…I feel like I have been going thru withdrawl without my daily/weekly blogpost to read. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you here! Congrats!!!

  8. Your site looks awesome!
    Cooking is also a passion of mine so I am excited to have a good site to visit for more recipes.
    Keep the posts coming 🙂

  9. Love Love Love your new home!! So excited to see you back!! Can’t wait to see all the great things happening at your new home!!



  10. Sheila, the new site looks perfect. Can’t wait to follow you on all of your adventure’s, both new and old. I anticipate each post like a gift that I can’t wait to open. I am so excited to get my daily fix of food, family, friendship, and most of all laughter. As I have said before, you inspire me daily to be a better person and I am so proud to call you my friend. Love you lady-hb

    1. You missed being first by 2 minutes! Dadburnit! I still got a giant hug for ya…thanks for always being such a wonderful encourager to me. Luv ya!