Home ยป Hello….tap tap..helloooo anyone still out there?

Hello….tap tap..helloooo anyone still out there?

I am still alive. I haven’t gone anywhere. In case anyone wondered.

Did anyone wonder?
HellloooOOO? tap tap tap…..anybody out there?
I’ve just been taking a little break. I’m still cooking, and making many lists of things I want to write about. Working out more…yes I said working out. As in excersicing….goodness I can’t even spelled the dam word!
I may just come back with more than a whole new blog, maybe I’ll come back a minus a donut around my middle. (I doubt it…..last night I was watchin‘ Toddlers and Tiara’s with my arm up to my elbow in the XXL bag of M&M’s my son won from his piano teacher.)
There has been alot going on in our home; in our life; in our family. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed for a little while, but I think I’m back on track.
This just may be my last Strawberry CAKE post,….but maybe not, before I make the transition to my new blog site.
I feel like I’m starting a new relationship, and I really can’t or shouldn’t go back to the old one. It feels kind of like when your senior year of high school is coming to a close, you need to move on, say good-bye to your first love. It’s a weird. You keep coming back, but you know it needs to be over, you have to move on. He will always be a part of you but, you can never return to the way things were. Just friends….
Strawberry CAKE I love you. You will always be apart of me. Sniff…snot…snort….scuse me, a minute…………
Pah-pa-pa-pa-pa-pah (that’s my bottom lip quivering).
I do need to go through my queue and clean it up…there might be a few things to throw at you yet before I move on.
I thought you might like to relive my Strawberry Cake adventure with a few favorite posts, in no particular order. Chicken Caesar Wrap my daughters favorite lunch! Thursdays Ramblings on Friday came about when I decided I just needed to clear my mind, to write just to write with no real direction, you all seemed to like it. Remember these two Rascally Pilgrims they are regulars at our Thanksgiving dinner table. Then there’s these scrumptious morsels Pumpkin Spice Donut Muffins! Never say Never, something I wish I’d learned earlier in life. Then there were all the PW posts, lots and lots of P-doob posts, 46 to be exact…stalker. This post received the most comments of any of my posts! Saturday Morning Tradition seemed to be a favorite also. Here are a couple of my personal favorites, Boys, Paczki! & Hairballs, and Chicken Divan. Oh and this interview was unforgettable….I know kinda random, but hey what more would you expect.
Do you have a favorite post? A favorite post that I wrote….not trying to put you on the spot or anything…just wondering.
Feedback is always good…..chirp, chirp. Flippin crickets!
Ok on that note here is some more randomness in the form of photos. Hope you enjoy!
My sweet Seestor and I at my first Cowgirl Dinner Party.

Aren’t they fun?! This was on one of your road trip adventures.

Isn’t he lovely…dreamy…that’s my man.

Pie Crust polka dot period

I love this, my husband hates it. I see kids having fun, he sees kids not taking care of their stuff.

The beach at Lake Michigan.

My third child zipping through life. Smiling all the while.

My second child. Ever the creative one.

This is my fourth child, she’s a fire cracker!!

She loves heading off early in the morning to the Farmers Market with me.

Then I found this picture of her….precious chubby cheeked brown baby.

And this picture of the day we brought her home. Look at the look on her sisters face, “Yeh well she’s not all that.” Priceless.

I love flowers.

My firstborn. Dare Devil. Extremely competitive, won’t stop until it’s perfect. I think he ended up jumping 14 skateboards this day. Wacky. I couldn’t watch. I had to have another parent take this photo. Thank you Rob.

The hero hairball, donut eating numb skull of an ever lovin’ canine.

Three kinds of pie, because who can eat just one kind of pie?

This is my monkey, sometimes he can be found on my back while cooking.

This is Bessy. The weird squirrel that runs around in our backyard. We think she was in a freak nut transporting accident and her tail was blown off. She is a nutty squirrel. No pun intended.
Braces, now goggles.

She runs…like the wind. I think she must have been switched at birth. Me no run. Only to the pantry.

This is what I need to do today…pick me some berries.

The Johnsons LOVE the 4th of July! It is a day for parades, basketball tournaments, eating, swimming, eating, games, fireworks, and enjoying friends. I HEART Independence Day!! Very thankful for where I live.

Red, White, and Blue ah-oo ah-oo ah-00…
One of the most relaxing weekends of my life.

The Pee-doob girls. I luv you ladies!
Thanks for stopping by. Ya’ll come back now ya hear!

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  1. I was worrying too. Thought I had lost you in the blog world. I missed your humorous posts & delish recipes. I will definitely be following you to your new blog.

  2. Just a note to let you know that I love reading your posts….especially your recipes and road trips!

  3. You deserve a break but I did miss you. Just let us know when you are ready to come back. Loved seeing the pics of when we went to "the ranch". It will be a year ago on the 24th that we left to see Ree – good memories ๐Ÿ™‚

    Still anonymous, well sort of….


  4. Erika, thanks Love! Yes I will for sure write a closing post and you can come on over and follow me on that adventure. Luvya, Sheila

  5. Sheila~
    Of course we're all still here. I was wondering and hoping everything was ok over there. I was missin' ya ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have to say I LOVE all your posts. I've tried many of your recipes and have loved them all. My favorites are your roasted tomato & basil soup & your sauce-pan brownies. Silly, I know, but I also love your post about Crisco. Prior to reading that post I never really used Crisco. Since then, I've made the best cookies of my life b/c of you (and my husband thanks you tremendously!). I haven't made pie crust yet, but when I do I'll be thinking about you ๐Ÿ™‚ My boys & I have recently gone strawberry picking & I'm looking forward to finding the time to make the "Fritz Family's Famous Strawberry Cake!"

    I have one favor to ask of you though…please oh PLEASE write one more post to let us all know your website address. I'm excited to follow you on your new adventure! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope your summer is going well so far; I hope your garden is growing well, and your days are as sweet as strawberry cake!

    Hope to see you soon!

  6. Everyone needs a break- and you deserve one! We are still here and I love these old fav post with recipes, etc! It was great to look back with you. Hope your having a great week!

  7. Okay, I LOVE all of your posts first of all. Second, you gotta get this new site going bc it's all about me and I'm so super excited to see it. Third, your kids are all so adorable. Fourth, UMMMM how did I NOT know you went to see PW? At her RANCH??? What???

  8. Been wondering where you were. As long as you have a blog of some kind, you can call it whatever you want and post whatever. You just can't leave completely. ๐Ÿ˜›