See you next year….
How are you? Are you getting ready for the Christmas Season? I hope you have skads of parties and fun things planned with loved ones!! How was your Thanksgiving? Are you stuffed to the gills from a weekend of celebrating? I’m still in a quasi food coma. Thank. You.
I wanted to let you know that I’m taking the month of December off. I will have regular posts coming up here and I will try to have my newsletter scheduled to go out, honestly you might not have even noticed that I am off the grid, AWOHL, er MIA…….because I have worked really hard to schedule a variety of different recipes to help you get through the busy holiday season. You might notice my absence on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest and yes, I can hardly say it Instagram. I guess you could say I’m taking a little social media sabbatical.
I love Christmastime, but I have noticed that the holidays + social media = anxiety for me. Social media is like a party that never stops, and well this girl is too old to party nonstop! So I need to get off the party bus just for a little bit, because what happens is I end up spending hours looking at what everyone else is crafting, doing, quoting, posting pictures of…..then said mom feels like a looser because I’ve spent so much time on the computer I don’t have time to get anything done! Sound familiar? I think I need to rely on my own craftiness instead of pining over everyone elses….just for this month. Maybe you are like me? Confession: sometimes I’ve spent so much time basically being distracted by social media and getting nothing done that I’m late all the time, and I don’t accomplish normal everyday tasks (as well as I should be)…and, AND last year we even dropped certain holiday traditions that we have done every year, for like forever, because I felt like I didn’t have time!!! Can you relate?
This decision has been a long time in coming. I didn’t just decide yesterday to go offline. It’s not going to be easy, which may sound weird because I just told you how hard it is for me, and how much anxiety social media causes me. I DO love the connections I have, and I love hearing what you are all doing, seeing what ya’all are sharing. I really do. But quite honestly I’ve been feeling blah, I’m not feeling spontaneous or inspired, I’m not feeling like myself. I’m not loving my family, friends, or myself well. This sermon series confirmed that my decision to go offline for a little while was what I needed to do. If you have the time I would love for you to watch it, or download the podcasts and listen to them. I promise it will be time well spent….and possibly hopefully life changing. The month of December seemed like the perfect time to step away, and focus on family and friends, and take a little time to seek God’s direction.
You quite honestly have no idea how much you mean to me, so I beg you not to take this the wrong way! Without you Eat2gather would be NADA without your comments, encouragement, sharing on facebook, twitter, and pinterest, my dreams, of helping others learn to cook for those they love and get back around the table sharing life the old-fashioned way, would not be. I owe it all to you guys!
I will be back. (yes that’s a warning 😉 ) I pray your season is blessed in all ways. You can reach me via email, or snail mail. I’d love to hear from you!
Happy Hanukkah, Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa….Season’s Best to you all!
Peace & Love, Sheila
P. S. I’m planning on reading a few books that I hope will inspire me. I’d love it if you joined me!! Here’s what I’ll be reading….
Love Does by Bob Goff
The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the full love story of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
A Life That Says Welcome: Simple ways to open your heart and home to others by Karen Ehman
Pp.Ss. In case you want to say HI! Email= [email protected] / Snailmail = POBox 305, Jenison, Mi 49429
Third time I’ve tried to post….3rd time may be a charm. Just wanted to say Amen to your decision and Merry Christmas to you and your family. We traveled to Traverse City yesterday and I sent a hug to you when we went through Grand Rapids. Peace to you.
Thanks Janey! So funny I was in TC Friday through Sunday with girlfriends….what if we passed each other on the street! Small world. xoxo Sheila
I can relate to you so much it’s almost creepy 😉 seriously.
Merry Christmas my friend!
This is a brilliant idea and I do understand never having enough time to do the holiday thing. I’m much the same way. I told John I didn’t have time to do the outside lights this year in time for the big Christmas boat parade. Now if I’d taken a page out of your book, the lights would be ready to go up. You’re my inspiration.
Proud of you, my friend. Now, go enjoy that darling family of yours!!! xoxo
Good for you! I’ve taken “unintentional” breaks but never a planned one! It will be interesting to see how it makes you feel!
I heart you. So proud of you for following your gut and listening to your instinct on this! I am confident so many people will find inspiration and will relate to your post!! xoxoxo